J. Kevin Lynn - Stellar Systems Inc.
A major improvement in outdoor peri- meter security system probability of detection (PD) and reduction in false alarm rate (FAR) and nuisance alarm rate (NAR) may be obtained by analyzing the indications immediately preceding an event which might be interpreted as an intrusion. Existing systems go into alarm after crossing a threshold. Very slow changes, which accumulate until the threshold is reached, may be asses- sed falsely as an intrusion. The ability to be able to \"look into the past\" on a real-time basis adds a new dimension to alarm reporting and monitoring. Analog data is converted to digital data and stored in serial form in memory. The stored data may be ret- rieved to augment alarm criteria after a threshold is crossed, perform adap- tive parameter adjustments and provide long-term data for analysis. Since the stored data may be accessed and trans- mitted in reverse order, the immediate pre-trigger event history would be available for alarm decision making. A hierarchial program has begun at Stellar to develop a modular, expand- able Smart Sensor System which may be interfaced to most types of sensor and alarm reporting systems. A major up- grade to the SSI Test Site is in prog- ress so that intrusions may be simu- lated in a controlled and repeatable manner. A test platform is being con- structed which will operate in conjunc- tion with a mobile instrumentation center with CCTV, lighting control, weather and data monitoring and remote control of the test platform and intru- sion simulators. Additional testing was contracted with an independent test facility to assess the effects of severe winter weather conditions.