Robert F. Burnett - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
In discharging its responsibility to assure the protection of the public health and safety from exposure to radiation, the NRC focuses on (1) the prevention of radiological accidents (safety), and (2) the prevention of deliberate acts intended to endanger the public through exposure to radiation (safeguards). Although complementary prograns, the NRC has recognized the potential for conflicts between safety and safeguards systems at nuclear power plants. In October 1982, a special committee of NRC safety and safeguards experts was formed at the direction of the Chairman to examine the subject. The Committee did not identify any clear safety problems associated with security requirements, but found such a potential existed at some facilities. The Committee's report contains five basic findings and related recommendations. One of these concerns the so-called \"Insider Rulemaking Package,\" which deals with access authorization, vital area identification and controls as well as screening program requirements.