The Safeguards Evaluation Method for Evaluating Vulnerability to Insider Threats

R.A. Al-Ayat - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Therese A. Renis - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Bruce R. Judd - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
As protection of DOE facilities against outsiders increases to acceptable levels, attention Is shirting toward achieving comparable protection against, insiders. Since threats and protection measures for insiders are substantially different from those for outsiders, new perspectives and approaches are needed. One such approach is the Safeguards Evaluation Method. This method helps in assessing safeguards vulnerabilities to theft or diversion of special nuclear material (SNM) by Insiders. The Safeguards Evaluation Method — Insider Threat is a simple model that can be used by safeguards and security planners to evaluate safeguards and proposed upgrades at their own facilities. The method is used to evaluate the effectiveness of safeguards in both timely detection (in time to prevent theft) and late detection (aftei — the-fact). The method considers the various types of potential insider adversaries working alone or in collusion with other insiders. The approach can be used for a wide variety of facilities with various quantities and forms of SNM. An Evaluation Workbook provides documentation of the baseline assessment; this simplifies subsequent on-site appraisals. Quantitative evaluation is facilitated by an accompanying computer program. The method sijnif increases an evaluation team's on-site analytical capabilities, thereby producing a more thorough and accurate safeguards evaluation.