Safeguards Design Approach for the Complex 21/Reconfiguration Facilities

Neil R. Zack - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Calvin D. Jaeger - Sandia National Laboratories
William J. Hunteman - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories have been designated the Technical Leads to design the safeguards, security, and computer/information security systems for all the DOE Complex 2I/Reconfiguration facilities. The materials control and accountability (MC&A) systems in these facilities will be required to implement the new DOE Order 5633.3A, which requires that \"all DOE facilities ... should incorporate the latest MC&A technologies, systems, and approaches.\" The planned safeguards approach requires that the operations, safety, security, and MC&A information systems work together in each facility to provide assurance that the nuclear materials inventory is accounted for and not compromised and that protection in-depth is achieved using proven, stateof- the-art systems. These goals will be achievable because the architect-and-engineer design firm and the Lead Laboratory teams developing those process and facility requirements are incorporating safeguards early in the design process. This paper discusses the safeguards approach being promoted for the integrated design effort for the tritium, uranium/lithium, plutonium, plutonium storage, and high explosive/assembly facilities.