Dmitri Sokolov - Rovno Nuclear Power Plant
Vadim Boris - Rovno Nuclear Power Plant
Boris Iastremski - Rovno Nuclear Power Plant
Eugene Dikov - Ministry for Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety
Gyongi Kosa - Paks Nuclear Power Plant,
Per-Erik Hagg - Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant,
Erja Kainulainen - Finnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Saftey
A computerized nuclear material accounting and reporting program RARP for the Rovno NPP in Ukraine has been developed. The program is based on the code in routine use at the VVER-440 power plant of Paks in Hungary. RARP allows internal accounting for nuclear materials and safeguards reporting at VVER- 440 and VVER-1OOOfacilities integrated into a single module. RARP fulfills all the safeguards accounting and reporting requirements of the I~A, ~ainian SSAC and the Rovno tkcility. The RARP project is carried out\\ under the Finnish Safeguards Support Programme ‘to Ukraine in close cooperation with the Rovno NPP, Ukrainian state authority MEPNS/NRA, Paks NPP and STUK According to the Ukrainian practice the program allows reporting to the IAEA through the central accounting system of the authority. It is designed to give fall support in preparing the IAEA inspections e.g. by updating and producing storage maps in addition to many other features.