Results and Conclusions from the ESARDA Technical Worskhop of NDA Techniques Applicable to Safeguarding Nuclear Materials in Waste

H. Ottmar - Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe
S. Guardini - CEC-JRC, Ispra (Italy)
G. Bignan - CEA - Cadarache
The ESARDA Working Group \"Techniques and Standards for Non-Destructive Analysis\" (NDA) was asked by the ESARDA Board and Steering Conutatee to organize an international workshop on NDA techniques as applied to waste materials. The objective of the workshop was to review the current status and desired developments of NDA for safeguarding nuclear material in waste. Representatives of plant operators, safeguards authorities and developing laboratories of ESARDA and non-ESARDA partners were invited to participate, with the aim of stimulating the technical discussion which should guide future applications and developments. The paper reviews the terms of reference of the workshop, the specific objectives and the final outcome, giving a global overview of the workshop's results.