The Requirements of the Development of Devices for use in Extended Containment and Surveillance (C/S) Systems

H. G. Sturman - British Nuclear Fuels Limited
A. A. Musto - British Nuclear Fuels Limited
During the past two years the concept of using C/S measures for safeguards has been extended as a result of work in a number of countries. It is suggested that C/S measures can be used as a complete system independent from but complementary to materials accountancy. The successful implementation of this concept will be dependent upon the development of suitable devices for use in a C/S system. Some devices are already available, having been developed for other purposes such as use in a physical protection system. However, the use of such devices as part of an extended C/S system for safeguards will require different characteristics and attributes from those demanded by their traditional uses. Also, since it is proposed that C/S systems should be assessed to provide a quantified safeguards assurance, certain performance parameters require evaluation. Suggestions are made concerning the requirements specific to the use of devices in an extended C/S system and the parameters which require evaluation both in the laboratory and in the field.