Remarks by Laura S.H. Holgate

Laura S. H. Holgate - U.S. Department of Energy
I am pleased to appreat before you, representing the Department of Energy and, particularly, the Office of Fissile Materials Disposition. Under Secretart Moniz was supposd to speak to you today, but he sends his regrets. He was asked to join Secretary Richardson in meetings with Evgeny Adamov, the Russian Minister of Atomic Energy and other Russian govrnment officials. Dr. Moniz asked me to represent him today, because he believes the materials disposition program mirrors the crosscutting issues and interest of the nuclear materials management community. In looking at the attendance list, I'd sumise that many of you in the audience today are intimatly aware of these disposition efforts. How many are involved with the nuclear materials management efforts of the Department of Energy? Let me make a few moments to bring all of you up to date on the latest technical and policy issues associated with out efforts to reduce the global threat from surplus fissile materials.