This morning my job is to outline briefly for you the basic concepts of the Atomic Energy Commission, Management Information System (MIS) and thsn highlight the Nuclear Material Subsystem and our progress to date. The MIS is being designed as a single integrated system con- sisting of many interrelated computer-based subsystems. Our initial study at AEC identified twenty-seven (27) subsystems each supporting a general functional area. Figure 1 graphically depicts these subsystems and their interrelation. Each subsystem will utilize one or more \"data banks\" for storage of predefined data elements. The data elements such as con- tract number, date of birth, chart of accounts number, etc. will be the lowest common denominator within the data bank. Data banks will be decentralized to the extent practical and feasible. For example, our nuclear materials data bank is now located in Oak Ridge. Data elements will be stored, whenever possible, in one, and only one, data bank. By using indices and connectors, the data elements in the bank can be made available to other sub- systems for responding to queries or for report generation. We are looking at data as a resource (like money and people) and trying to manage it efficiently and have it serve manage- ment effectively.