Quality Assurance Program for Low Level Waste Management in France

Pierre Saverot - NUSYS
A. Canvel - ANDRA
Over the last twenty years, Andra has developed a comprehensive quality assurance program that establishes the level of quality to be reached in the waste package and in all activities relating to the processing, storing, transportation and disposal of the waste package. A computerized LLW management tracking system assures full traceability of the waste package during these activities, and serves as a tool for implementation of the QA program : its data base consists of the specifications of standard waste forms that have undergone the process acceptance procedure, and waste generators must provide data on waste to be shipped for disposal to the system for verification of compliance with those specifications. The Centre de 1'Aube (CSA), the second disposal facility in France, has a capacity of 1 million cubic meters and began operations in January 1992.