A regulatory requirement for the re-licensing of Ontario Hydro's operating CANDU reactors is a documented conceptual decommissioning plan, including safeguards and security. The present conceptual decommissioning plan calls for all irradiated fuel to be transported off-site after > 10 years of the start of reactor decommissioning to a centralized storage and/or disposal centre. With no published IAEA guidelines specifically on decommissioning safeguards and security, the provisions proposed are based on general IAEA requirements, safeguards and security practice during reactor operation, and experience with the decommissioning of AECL reactors. Safeguards are required for irradiated fuel, not for heavy water or tritium. The application of materials accounting, in-situ irradiated fuel verification, and containment and surveillance procedures is discussed. Security measures are required during decommissioning to (a) ensure that all irradiated fuel remains at the storage location or transportation route designated, (b) prevent any deliberate damage to the fuel, (c) keep Ontario Hydro personnel informed of the status of the fuel during storage and transportation, and (d) provide the capability of assistance being called in an emergency.