Global carbon reduction goals will only be met through expanded use of nuclear energy along with renewables and a transition away from fossil fuels for transportation. As small modular and advanced nuclear reactors are moving closer to deployment worldwide, the proliferation resistance and physical protection (PR&PP) of these technologies become even more important to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of international monitoring. What does PR mean at a time when the nuclear industry is moving forward with several different reactor technologies? How can PP meet the challenges of providing adequate protection for smaller sites with reduced cost? The Generation IV International Forum (GIF) is an international endeavor seeking to develop the research necessary to test the feasibility and performance of Generation IV nuclear systems. The PR&PP Working Group (PRPPWG) within GIF supports analysis and recommendations to help ensure that advanced reactors are very unattractive and the least desirable route to diversion or theft of weapons-usable nuclear material and provide increased physical protection against acts of terrorism. This paper discusses what PR&PP means as we move toward deployment of advanced nuclear reactors and how national programs can work safeguards and security by design into these nuclear energy systems taking into account both state and international requirements. The efforts of the PRPPWG are intended to provide guidance to the nuclear industry as next generation designs are developed and built. This paper provides a summary of some ongoing activities of the PRPPWG and how it relates to PR&PP.