Program for Upgrading Nuclear Materials Protection, Control, and Accounting at all Facilities Within the All-Russian Institute of Experimental Physics (VNIIEF)

John D. Randolph - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Ronald Augustson - Los Alamos National Laboratory
V. I. Yuferev - RFNC-VNIIEF
V. Smirnov - Atominform
S. S. Zhikharev - Russian Federal Nuclear Center–All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics
P. Singh - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
M. Pikula - Northwest Nuclear
Don Wentz - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
G. Skripka - VNIIEF
N. Mikijchuk - VNIIEF
S. Khlystov - VNIIEF
G. Lomtev - VNIIEF
M. Kuvshinov - VNIIEF
A. Eras - Sandia National Laboratories
Michael M. Curtis - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Larry J. Wright - Sandia National Laboratories
Brian Scott - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Zachary Koenig - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
T. P. Malone - Sandia National Laboratories
Joel C. Lewis - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Y. Yakimov - RFNC-VNIIEF
V. Maltsev - RFNC-VNIIEF
N. Obolochkov - RFNC-VNIIEF
V. Vatulin - RFNC-VNIIEF
G. Komarov - RFNC-VNIIEF
A. Mesheriakov - RFNC-VNIIEF
A. Kopeikin - RFNC-VNIIEF
D. Cokinos - BNL
E. Chapman - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
M. Windham - Pantex
As part of the Department of Energy-Russian program for strengthening nuclear material protection, control, and accounting (MPC&A), plans have now been formulated to install an integrated MPC&A system at all facilities containing large quantities of weapons-usable nuclear material within the All-Russian Institute of Experimental Physics (VNIIEF, Arzamas-16) complex. In addition to storage facilities, the complex houses a number of critical facilities used to conduct nuclear physics research and facilities for developing procedures for disassembly of nuclear weapons.