Personnel Assurance System (PASS ) Employing Data Base Management and Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Minimize Insider Threat

David A. Satko - General Research Corporation
The Department of Energy, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and other federal and state agencies are dramatically increasing their requirements for applicant screening, certification and ongoing personnel assessment. The DoE's new Personal Security Assurance Program (PSAP) and NRC's proposed Access Authorization Rule are examples. These personnel assurance programs will make it virtually impossible for large organizations to manually process, integrate and manage all the required information. This is due to the inordinate amount of personnel data and the administrative complexity associated with the assessment process. Even in a straightforward case, Personnel, Security, Safety and Medical departments must be involved in data collection, analysis and assessment. A computer-based system that integrates all of the required information, allows tailoring to specific requirements and controls data access on a need-to-know basis, appears to offer the only feasible organizational solution. Ideally, such a system should also permit identification of questionable or unacceptable cases as early as possible in the assessment process in order to minimize processing expenditures and turn-around t i me. The FLOW GEMINI Personnel Assurance System (PASStm), a joint development effort between General Research Corporation and Baley Hinchy Downes, Inc., addresses the data collection, analysis and assessment issues by marrying sophisticated data base management and artificial intelligence techniques — resulting in a comprehensive management information system that ensures personnel assurance and regulatory compliance.