W.A. Wilson - Westinghouse Savannah River Company
Because of the increased emphasis on prevention of theft or diversion of Special Nuclear Material (SNM) by an \"insider\", a program of insider exercises has been implemented at the Savannah River Site (SRS). These limited scope exercises test the effectiveness of the various material control safeguard features such as the two-man rule, Material Access Area (MAA) boundary controls, storage vault entry/exit controls, etc. The exercises are coordinated by the central Material Control and Accountability (MC&A) organization and involve facility operations personnel and the site security contractor. Exercises are carefully controlled by extensive use of controllers at strategic locations in the facility. After running approximately 60 exercises over the past two years we have learned that there is an optimum test frequency for each given facility. When this frequency is exceeded, the tests begin to have a negative effect on employee morale. We currently plan to use the results of these exercises to validate the effectiveness of various safeguards \"modules\" in an effort to meet the performance requirements of the new DOE MC&A Order (5633.3).