The performance of high-efficiencyparticulate-air and ultra-low- penetration-air filters subjected to extreme environments of temperature, shock, pressure, and particulate loading was evaluated in a test program at the Sandia National Laboratories. The test program was initiated to evaluate the feasibility of using commercially available nuclear-grade filters in the filtered pressure equalization system of a contact-handled transuranic waste transport system, called TRUPACT-I. The filtered pressure equalization system of TRUPACT-I assures containment of the activity within the limits permitted by federal regulations and simultaneously equalizes the pressure between the cavity of the packaging and the environment, and minimizes the buildup of radiolytically generated gases. The filters were exposed to temperatures, pressures and stresses that exceed expected environments in normal and accident conditions of transport. The performance of the test filters was determined by measuring and quantifying filter efficiency and the Darcy constant. In addition, the integrity of the filter housing was evaluated using nondestructive helium leak testing. The details of the test program and results obtained from the tests are presented in this paper.