Overview of A Measurements/Measurement Control Symposium

John P. Clark - Westinghouse Savannah River Company
A symposium on measurements and measurement control (M/MC) for materials control & accountability (MC&A) was held October 25-27, 1988 at the Savannah River Site (SRS) in conjunction with an INMM Subcommittee 5.1 meeting. Its members, representatives from the Department of Energy (DOE) & Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and SRS personnel explored M/MC in relation to requirements specified in DOE Order 5633.3 \"Control and Accountability of Nuclear Materials\" (2-3-88) and discussed how the implementation of applicable national standards could satisfy most of the requirements for M/MC. The symposium was divided into three sessions: M/MC Requirements and Applicable National Standards; Overviews of M/MC Activities at NRC and DOE Sites; and Workshops covering M/MC Requirements. Workshop npics included: Analytical Laboratories; Statistical Methods; .•ocess Controls; Nondestructive Analyses; Chemical nalyses; Sampling and Process Measurements; Training jid Qualification of Measurement Personnel; Measurement Methods; and Organization & Quality Verification. An overview of the symposium, including background, its purpose, the participants, the requirements, applicable national standards, summaries of the workshops and comments of the participants are discussed in the paper.