The Nuclear Non-proliferation System

Allen L. SESSOMS - U.S. Department of State
William M. Murphey - U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
The objectives and elements of the overall global system for the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons are described. The role of the system of international nuclear materials safeguards that has been developed and applied by the International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA)is placed inthecontext of the non-proliferation system. The strategic, economic, and social aspects of the non-proliferation system are described and applied to hypothetical situations for illustrative purposes. The effects \"anoncr other things, of treaties, regional alliances, levels of economic and social development (both local and regional), the global strategic situation and acceptance of IAEA safeguards by individual countries and groups of countries are put into a framework which allows conclusions to be drawn about the relative importance of these parameters in an incentive/disincentive balance with respect to the risk of nuclear weapons proliferation.