The growing need for international control of modern technology is due to its dynamic development, the 'dual use'- problem and the world-wide interdependence. International treaties, regulating the application of techniques in an agreed manner, are suffering from the mistrust between member states and the risk of misuse. Verification by an international or multinational body is the possible answer of the international community. Verification is a cooperative and legal process for the explicit purpose of demonstrating compliance with treaties and agreements. The development of instruments and techniques for verification is a complex and disputed process of interaction between technology and policy both on the national and international levels. An example are the safeguards of the IAEA (and EURATOM) - the core of a working and effective multilateral verification regime. It has to be examined whether safeguards could be used in a model for demonstrating compliance with future multilateral treaties to the end of regulating modern 'dual use'-technologies.