Nuclear Material Accountability by Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry

E. E. Filby - Exxon Nuclear Idaho Company, Inc.
G.W. Webb - Exxon Nuclear Idaho Company, Inc.
R.A. Rankin - Exxon Nuclear Idaho Company, Inc.
W.A. Emel - Exxon Nuclear Idaho Company, Inc.
Isotope dilution mass Spectrometry is used for uranium accountability at the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant. The measurement system must produce high-quality accountability results while maintaining high sample throughout and reasonable turnaround time. The mass spectrometric system that has evolved to meet these demands includes extensive operator training, routine quality con- trol checks, and continuing review of performance. The recent evolution of this system has been accompanied by an improvement in the precision from 0.65? to 0.42? on concentration for the most troublesome samples, with a throughput of 350-400 samples per month at peak periods.