Near-Real-Time Materials Accountancy in an international Perspective or will the Real Near-Real-Time Materials Accountancy Please stand up?

James E. Lovett - International Atomic Energy Agency
During the 1970' s the IAEA gave considerable attention to the question of what its quantitative goals should be. These discussions led, in January 1980, to a set of provisional guidelines which considered both abrupt and protracted diversion possibilities. In a search for an effective means of achieving these goals at large bulk processing facilities, two technological concepts have been put forward. One concept, commonly referred to as near—real-time materials accountancy, is reviewed in this paper. The second, commonly called \"extended containment-surveillance\", is being discussed in a companion session at this meeting. There are varying perceptions of nearreal-time materials accountancy, both with regard to what it actually is and with regard to the degree to which it may be able to contribute to improved safeguards effectiveness. This paper reviews the history of the concept, the present status of its development, and programmes or projects currently underway related to its further development.