NDA Measurement of the Enrichment of Uranium in the Pipe for a Gas Centrifuge Enrichment Plant

M. Hori - Power Reacter and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
M. Akiba - Power Reacter and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
T. Ishiga - Power Reacter and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
A NDA instrument has been developed to determine the enrichment of gas phase uranium in pipes for a gas centrifuge enrichment plant. The enrichment of gas phase uranium could be measured by combining the passive gamma rays measurement with X-ray fluorescent analysis . The passive gamma rays measurement has extensively been performed in the last works.\" Successively the amount of deposited uranium has been measured for a long-term plant operation. Some increase of deposited uranium was observed. Determination of total mass of uranium' in a pipe was studied by X-ray fluorescent analysis on a test loop system. It was found that total mass of gaseous UF6 in the pipe could be determined accurately enough in implementation of safeguards.