Modern Methods of Material Accounting for Mixed oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility

R.J. Brouns - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
R.F. Eggers - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
J.L. Pindak - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
R.C. Williams - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
R.R. Kinnison, - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
The generic requirements loss detection, and response to alarms of a contemporary material control and accounting (MC&A) philosophy have been applied to a mixed oxide fuel fabrication plant to produce a detailed preliminary MC&A system design that is generally applicable to facilities of this type. This paper summarizes and discusses detailed results of the mixed oxide fuel fabrication plant study. Topics covered in this paper include: • mixed oxide fuel fabrication process description • process disaggregation into MC&A system control units • quantitative results of analysis of control units for abrupt and recurring loss detection capability • impact of short- and long-term holdup on loss detection capability • response to alarms for abrupt loss • response to alarms for recurring loss.