Mobile Nondestructive Assay and Examination Instruments

T.H. Kuckertz - Los Alamos National Laboratory
J.H. Audas - Los Alamos National Laboratory
J.M. Bieri - Los Alamos National Laboratory
S.W. France - Los Alamos National Laboratory
R.D. Hastings - Los Alamos National Laboratory
E.R. Shunk - Los Alamos National Laboratory
K.B. Butterfield - Los Alamos National Laboratory
C. Garcia - Los Alamos National Laboratory
G.C. Herrera - Los Alamos National Laboratory
W.E. Kunz - Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
J.T. Caldwell - Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
L. A. Franks - EG&G Santa Barbara Operations
Elmer J. Lujan - Los Alamos National Laboratory
J Vigil - Los Alamos National Laboratory
A compact system that evaluates radioactive materials can furnish a big savings to taxpayers by ensuring that only properly identified nuclear waste is sent to a Department of Energy (DOE) radioactive waste storage area. The Los Alamos National Laboratory's Advanced Nuclear Technology Group has developed and field tested two easily transportable, self-contained modules: one x-rays the contents of special 208-l shipment containers, the other assays the contents. The assay and evaluation system is a simple, portable solution to a complex problem that ensures that only properly packaged transuranic (TRU) waste is shipped to the Department of Energy's Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) near Carlsbad, New Mexico. Caustic chemicals, liquids, and other objects or materials that could cause a container leak during shipment are the objects of an x-ray and video camera used in the system. The camera inspects the contents of 208-l drums that are brought into the system on a conveyor and rotated, one at a time, in front of the x-ray source. Free liquids can be detected by shaking the drum; the sloshing liquid is visible on the video screen. After the drum is x-rayed, it is conveyed to the assay module where precision instruments measure the amounts of TRU isotopes present in the waste. If the drum contains fissile TRU isotopes above the safety limit, it is rejected and sent to an appropriate facility for repackaging; if the drum contains less than the 100 nCi/g lower-level limit for TRU, it is rejected and sent to a low-level nuclear waste burial site. Drums whose contents fall between these limits are accepted and certified for shipment to the WIPP. Made to fit on flatbed trailers, the entire system can be transported to a DOE facility and be ready for operations within 5 hours after arrival.