Mobile Non-destructive Assay System

T.H. Kuckertz - Los Alamos National Laboratory
J.T. Caldwell - Los Alamos National Laboratory
J.H. Audas - Los Alamos National Laboratory
J.M. Bieri - Los Alamos National Laboratory
R.D. Hastings - Los Alamos National Laboratory
G.C. Herrera - Los Alamos National Laboratory
W.E. Kunz - Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
A.P. Colamsso - Los Alamos National Laboratory
A mobile system for non-destructive assay (NDA), developed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, provides accurate and sensitive measurements for transuranic (TRU) isotopes contained in 208-£ drums of miscellaneous nuclear wastes. The NDA unit consists of four major subsystems: an assay chamber, counting and digital electronics, data acquisition, and a neutron generator. It performs both active and passive neutron waste measurements. The former determines the amount of fissile isotopes at a sensitivity level of 1 mg plutonium. The latter determines spontaneous fission and (a,n) isotopes at a comparable level. A complete assay consists of sequential active and passive measurements. The assay measurement and other supporting data are incorporated in a commercial spreadsheet program (Lotus 1,2,3*) for further analysis, which includes various matrix corrections and a determination of whether or not the drum exceeds the 100-nCi/g threshold for TRU wastes. Field tests have been performed on three separate occasions, accomplishing more then 1800 waste drum assays. These waste drum assays are discussed, especially those comparing passive and active neutron measurements with independent segmented gamma scan assays. Results obtained with a set of 15 drums containing plutonium prepared from standards and actual hot waste matrices are also reviewed.