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The Mobile Antineutrino Demonstrator project aims to construct a realistically deployable
antineutrino detection system that can operate at essentially any reactor facility with no infrastructure support beyond electrical power. Through engagement with potential end-users and
host facilities, this effort will advance the technical readiness of neutrino-based reactor monitoring concepts by enabling operationally relevant demonstrations. The project is motivated
by recent technology development that enables antineutrino detectors to operate at the earth’s
surface and the results of the Nu Tools study which provided new insight into the utility of
antineutrino measurements for current and foreseen nuclear security problems. Specifically, a
mobile demonstrator system has relevance to the most promising use cases identified in that
study, Advanced Reactors and Future Nuclear Deals, and will incorporate recommendations
regarding End-User Engagement and Technical Readiness in the system development process.
In this presentation we will describe the mobile system design process, antineutrino detector
technology options under development, and operational concepts for the mobile system.