The Measurement Program in Support of the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Closure Project Mary P. Rodriguez and Patricia Hyman, Safe Sites of Colorado Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Golden, Colorado

C.A. Rodriguez - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Mary P. Rodriguez - Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site
Patricia Hyman - Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site
The Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site closure project will complete a number of activities associated with removing or preparing for removal the Special Nuclear Material on the site. A detailed review was completed to identify the nuclear material that will require measurements to meet the requirements of DOE Order 5633.3B for accountability. Measurement capability on hand was assessed, and a plan was developed and implemented to obtain additional systems to meet future needs. With the recognition that material processes and material forms have not been finalized, it is important that the site acquire an assortment of instruments to maximize its measurement capability. This paper will present details on the measurement streams, the selected measurement methods, and the acquisition plan and status for new instruments. Agreement of measurement systems that will be used by Rocky Flats will reduce measurement requirements for eventual receivers of the materials and result in significant Department of Energy savings.