MC&A Smart and Dumb Terminal Servers in Local TCP/IP Networks

C. R. Hatcher - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Joeseph Curtiss - Brookhaven National Laboratoy
Victor Fedoseyev - State Research Institute of Scientific Industrial Association
Pavel P. Mizin - State Research Institute of SIA “Luch\"
L.I. Mikhailichenko - FSUE SRI SIA “Luch”
Gregory Slovik - Brookhaven National Laboratory
Network application software has four main components: data input; data processing; data storage; and data output. The goal of this paper is to present alternatives being evaluated while trying to implement data input. Potential ways to integrate measurement devices into a computerized MC&A system are discussed, with an approach to equipment interfaces on an MC&A network for automated data entry from bar code readers and scales. The proposed concept is not only to use PCs to interface the equipment with the client, but also to use dumb terminals which have interface software on the server. This approach could reduce overall cost and provide for greater security. This paper is based on knowledge gained in conceptualizing an MC&A system for Luch (Podolsk, Russia). The proposed system could be tailored to the Luch staffs abilities and functional needs as seen by the MC&A managers. Options are considered that favor using equipment available in Russia so the system could be sustainable far into the future. Some of the options are driven by the fact that a portion of the equipment would be placed in severe environmental conditions (i.e., the presence of acids).