The MBA Custodian: Has the Safeguards Program Element Been Neglected?

K.R. Byers - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
The nuclear material programs at U.S. facilities are comprised of physical security systems, material control and accountability (MC&A) systems, and safeguards personnel. Considerable attention has been given to upgrading physical security components and MC&A equipment and practices, but how much emphasis has been placed on acquiring the right people for the job, determining what they need to know and how they should be trained, and evaluating their performance on a continual basis? Without dedicated and qualified personnel, both physical security and MC&A effectiveness suffer. The objectives of this paper are to highlight the SNM custodial requirements at DOE facilities; identify documentation required for the development and implementation of a training program; provide insight into custodian performance evaluations; and identify areas where additional program guidance is needed. Are adequate guidelines established to assure that federal requirements result in a uniform knowledge base for all custodians? This paper addresses this issue and asks if we are ready to fully test custodian performance.