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List mode enables the high-resolution acquisition of data from neutron based nondestructive
measurements of nuclear material for control and accounting. The data is stored with complete fidelity
in the spatial and temporal dimensions which allows iterative and sophisticated analysis techniques. A
series of instruments, data acquisition electronics, software, and analysis are being developed to exploit
the additional, complex information contained in list mode data. This work describes a list-mode
enabled analysis technique to optimize a neutron instrument’s gate width setting by iteratively reanalyzing the neutron data while varying the parameter until convergence on a minimum measurement
uncertainty is achieved. This analysis technique will significantly improve measurement throughput and
statistical precision for almost every neutron coincidence or multiplicity measurement performed in
plutonium and uranium nuclear facilities around the world. While the technique is complex, it can be
implemented in software and automatically performed with no burden on the end user.
The physics motivation relates to the fixed gate width commonly used in neutron coincidence and
multiplicity counting. The gate width affects the fraction of real coincidences which are counted.
Accidental coincidences contribute to statistical uncertainty and are, unavoidably, also counted. The
amount of real and accidental coincidences contained in the gate both affect the measurement’s
statistical uncertainty, which informs real-world measurement times implemented by equipment
operators. Fixed gate widths are used in almost all applications. However, the optimal gate width
depends on the accidentals rate, which can vary by a factor of 2,000, and the reals rate. List mode data
collection allows the re-analysis of the measurement to identify the gate width that provides the
smallest statistical uncertainty. The analysis can be performed for every measurement, so the increased
performance is achieved even if the item stream results in a mix of low and high accidental coincidence
rates. This capability may allow reduced measurement times for almost every coincidence or multiplicity
counting application worldwide.