LANMAS Alpha Configured for Sandia National Laboratories and Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant

L.P. McRae - Westinghouse Hanford Company
E.A. Kern - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Al Alvarado - Sandia National Laboratories
Jere T. Bracey - Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant
Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Westinghouse Hanford Company have been working jointly for the past 2 years to develop LANMAS (Local Area Network Material Accountability System), the next generation of a U.S. Department of Energy nuclear material accountability system. LANMAS is being designed to reflect the broad-based needs of the U.S. Department of Energy's Material Control & Accountability and Nuclear Materials Management communities, and its developers believe that significant cost savings can be achieved by implementing LANMAS complex-wide, where feasible. LANMAS is being designed so that it is transportable to appropriate U.S. Department of Energy sites. To accomplish this, LANMAS will be configurable to local site work culture. Many U.S. Department of Energy sites are interested in the LANMAS project, and several have participated in its development; some have committed resources. The original LANMAS project team included representatives from the Hanford Site and Los Alamos. As of June 1993, the following sites have also supported the project: Sandia National Laboratory - Albuquerque; Sandia National Laboratory - Livermore; Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant; Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory; and Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory. In addition, LANMAS is being targeted as a candidate for the U.S. Department of Energy Complex 21, a project designed to restructure the nation's nuclear weapons complex.