Gene Plock - nstitute of Nuclear Materials Management Annual Meeting
It is indeed a pleasure to appear before you nuclear fuel related people today. I suppose it is rather unusual for a State governmental unit to make such a pre- sentation, and it may well be in order that we attempt to explain the relations that led us to so act. First, the Kentucky Department of Commerce is the Department of State government whose main responsibility is the economic development of that Commonwealth. This is a normal function of similar groups in most states, although they may carry varying connotations. To achieve the subject economic growth, industrial and commercial development is the primary pur- suit and in addition to State governments, some approximately 15, 000 organi- zations are so engaged nationally. These may be Chambers of Commerce, local industrial foundations, industrial development organizations or known by myriads of titles. For the most part, however, these groups involve them- selves with Chamber of Commerce promotion -- good place to live, etc. backed up by varying types of promotional data. The Kentucky Department of Commerce, however, feels that in today's world of high technology a technically well-grounded and economically justifiable scientific approach is necessary. In addition to this, it further feels that continuity of such programs over many political administrations is also mandatory. Since we feel we are rather unique in this situation and probably few other political organizations have this type of data to present, consequently few technical papers are given by State and local political groups.