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In the Safeguards laboratories of Forschungszentrum Juelich an aerosol-based process to
produce uranium oxide reference microparticles has been implemented to support a sustainably
robust quality control system of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in particle
analysis in nuclear safeguards. This quality control system includes analytical instrument
calibration, method development and validation for analytical measurements of individual
micrometer- and
Submicrometer-sized particles as well as their application in interlaboratory exercises. The
well-designed reference microparticles developed for this purpose must fulfil certain
requirements, such as a defined elemental and isotopic composition, size, morphology, and
shelf-life, to ensure the reliability of the mass spectrometric analytical measurements and to be
as similar as possible to the U-containing microparticles collected by an IAEA safeguards
inspector during in-field verification activities. These so-called environmental samples are
analyzed for their isotopic composition by the IAEA’s Office of Safeguards Analytical Services
and their dedicated Network of Analytical Laboratories. For the detection of even traces of
fission products further development of analytical methods and the quality control of the
analytical results from particle analysis itself as well as of the reference microparticles is
required. But due to the yield limitations to microgram range of the aerosol-based process in
Juelich, the characterization of these simulated fission products doped uranium-oxide
microparticles is very challenging. Therefore, to unravel the incorporation mechanism of the
dopants, such as lanthanides, Th, or Pu, into the uranium-oxide structure, a co-precipitation
method was adjusted to produce doped bulk-scale materials as “internal refence materials”
which can be investigated by standard analytical techniques. Using TG-DSC measurements,
the temperature range of the phase transition from UO3 to U3O8 of the doped uraniumcontaining materials was determined. According to the previously identified temperature
ranges, the doped materials were calcined and the obtained doped UO3 and U3O8 materials were
characterized in more detail by additional systematic structural investigations of the long- and
short-range order phenomena with XRD and Raman. This presentation will show results
regarding the incorporation of dopants into the uranium oxide structures. These results will be
transferred to the particle production process as an important input parameter to design
reference microparticles.