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The number of technical experts in nuclear forensics has been systematically waning as many
members trained in the nascent days of the science have begun entering retirement. This,
combined with an ever-increasing worldwide demand for nuclear forensic practitioners is
causing an acute need in training the next generation of nuclear forensic experts. As such,
engaging and training students to enter the nuclear forensics “pipeline” is a worldwide focus.
The Nuclear Smuggling Detection and Deterrence (NSDD) office is partnering DOE laboratories
with master’s students from select partner countries as a pilot program to help address this
pipeline issue. NSDD has identified four master’s students, one each from Tajikistan, Armenia,
Serbia, and Moldova, to be paired with mentors in their respective field (e.g., gamma
spectroscopy, mass spectrometry) at DOE laboratories. Mentors will periodically meet remotely
with the student and the student’s advisor at their home institutions to help guide the student’s
thesis. Importantly, following the student’s successful completion of their MS degree, the student
will have the opportunity to join the workforce of an already identified employer in their field of
study. Here, we will discuss the details of NSDD’s program that aims to increase the number of
early career researchers joining the field of nuclear forensics.