Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has carried out the research and development (R&D) of fundamental technologies for the geological disposal of radioactive waste at Horonobe underground research laboratory (URL). R&D include both experimental and simulation study of various phenomena such as thermal-hydrological-mechanical-chemical (THMC) coupled process in engineered barrier system, mass-transportation in fractured media, etc. For this purpose, we have performed both laboratory and in-situ mock-up scale experiments, such as full scale engineered barrier system at 350m depth in the URL along with the performance tests of a metal container, bentonite materials and rock. The acquired data is simulated to develop the THMC modeling considering the complex behavior of buffer materials. The collaborative works in Pacific Rim Partnership with the data acquired in the URL make the R&D not only higher quality but also more comprehensive one that is feasible to various fields and conditions.