Initial Experience Under IAEA safeguards

R.A. Schneider - Exxon Nuclear Company, Inc.
E.R. Herz - Exxon Nuclear Company, Inc.
A.J. McGinnes - Exxon Nuclear Company, Inc.
Exxon Nuclear's low enriched uranium fuel fabrication plant is the first U.S. bulk handling facility selected for IAEA inspection under the US/IAEA Agreement which went into effect on December 9, 1980. Initial efforts to meet the requirements of IAEA safeguards implementation included preparation of the Design Information Questionnaire (DIQ), reporting of the initial book inventory, preparing to accommodate an IAEA Ad Hoc inspection to verify our initial inventory report, and planning for discussions of a Facility Attachment. Later activities included packaging and shipping IAEA verification samples, reporting inventory changes on the new 741 forms, reporting material status and the physical inventory listing (PIL) on the new 742 forms, and providing a basis for advance notification on exports, imports, and domestic shipments to \"non-eligible destinations\". This paper describes our initial experience under IAEA safeguards. The paper emphasizes the extent to which we were able to suggest and develop practical approaches for verification of material quantities and for meeting the various reporting and notification requirements.