Improvement of Sample Preparation for Input Plutonium Accountability Measurement by Isotope Dilution Gamma-ray Spectrometry

J. MASUI - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
S. Sato - Power Reactor & Nuclear Fuel Development Corp
T.K. Li - Los Alamos National Laboratory
J.L. Parker - Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
K. NISHIDA - Power Reactor & Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC)
E. A. Hakkila - Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
Y. Kuno - Power Reactor & Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC)
The sample preparation method for the isotope dilution gamma-ray spectrometry (IDGS) technique has been further improved for simultaneously determining the plutonium concentration and isotopic composition of highly irradiated spent-fuel dissolver solutions. The improvement includes using ion-exchange filter papers (instead of resin beads, as in two previous experiments) for better separation and recovery of plutonium from fission products. The results of IDGS measurements for five dissolver solutions are in good agreement with those by mass spectrometry with ~0.4% for plutonium concentration and -0.1% for 239Pu isotopic composition. The precision of the plutonium concentration is -1% with a 1-h count time. The technique could be implemented as an alternative method for input accountability and verification measurements in reprocessing plants.