Implementation of Materials Accounting in Russia

C. R. Hatcher - Los Alamos National Laboratory
David D. Wilkey - Los Alamos National Laboratory
This paper discusses problems and successes in implementing materials accounting of nuclear facilities in Russia, based on the authors’ experience at several different types of Russian facilities. Few facilities in Russia have implemented nuclear materials accounting systems that meet international or US guidelines. This is not surprising, considering that over twenty years have been spent developing computerized nuclear materials accounting techniques in the US, compared with less than four years at most facilities in Russia. Materials accounting upgrades have moved faster at reactor facilities than at processing plants. The emphasis at many large facilities has been on acquiring and developing advanced technical tools, rather than on applying these tools to materials accounting. We propose that materials accounting in Russia should be implemented in two phases. Phase 1 consists of implementing item accounting at both item and bulk material balance areas (MBAs) using confirmatory measurements and the best available quantitative measurements. Phase 2, which applies only to bulk MBAs, consists of implementing item and bulk accounting, including additional quantitative measurements needed to perform a materials balance at each MBA. Additional problems, successes, and recommendations associated with implementing nuclear materials accounting at facilities in Russia will be described.