Image-based Surveillance and Security Systems Using Personal Computers for Device Aiming and Digital Image Comparison

Steve Quiett - Security Software Systems
L.H. Axtell - Security Software Systems
A detection-type security system using enhanced capability cameras or other imaging devices can aid in maintaining security from long distance and/or for large areas. To do so requires that the imaging device(s) be repeatedly and accurately positioned so that no areas are overlooked. Digital control using personal computers is the simplest method of achieving positional accuracy. The monitoring of large areas and/or a large number of areas also requires that a substantial quantity of visual information be catalogued and evaluated for potential security problems. While security personnel alone are typically used for such monitoring, as the quantity of visual information increases, the likelihood that potential security threats will be missed also increases. The ability of an image-based security system to detect potential security problems can be further increased with the use of selected image processing techniques. Utilizing personal computers for both imaging device position control as well as image processing, surveillance of large areas can be performed by a limited number of individuals with a high level of system confidence.