Jared S. Dreicer - Los Alamos National Laboratory
The Graph Structure (GRPHSTRUC) model is a generic software-system tool that was developed to allow a system analyst to conduct studies and design analysis concerning control flow in graph structures. The GRPHSTRUC model is a knowledge-based expert system using icons and object-oriented methodologies. This software tool has been implemented on a Texas Instruments Explorer using the expert system shell called Knowledge Engineering Environment (KEE), Common Lisp methods, and KEE Pictures for graphical display. The GRPHSTRUC model provides a user interface that is designed to allow the user to rapidly and efficiently represent graph components, interconnections, and interrelationships. GRPHSTRUC has been generically designed and developed to use classical graph theory and to allow the display of vertices and links of a graph structure. In particular, the model was developed to assist a computer security analyst in assessing the security of and to conduct security studies and design analysis concerning computer networks. The model is applicable to other disciplines that can be portrayed by graph structures, in particular safeguards.