Gamma Film Technology And Range Of Possible Applications

Pablo Carlos Florido - INVAP
Roberto Cibils - INVAP
Martin Marchioni - INVAP
Mauro Nuñez - INVAP
Eduardo Nassif - INVAP

Accurate knowledge of gamma radiation fields generated either by strategic materials, orphan sources, natural radiation environmental and decommissioning activities, as well as radiation monitoring and nuclear safety and security, is essential for national regulatory agencies, nuclear operators, border safety controls and custom administrations. Currently existing gamma cameras are not yet optimized in order to meet the necessary conditions for most of these activities. A new concept of “gamma vision”, developed and patented by INVAP, uses a new lobular detection geometries for real time reconstruction of gamma radiation fields. This technology enables the application of the main design concept with several types of detectors, wich allow to actually see dose rate from the background, usually 0.1µSv/h, up to values of 1Sv/h. Some applications using the presented technology are shown and described in this work, among them: Radiation Monitoring , to measure on real time the radiation filed inside a given facility, the concept allows real time reconstruction of the 3D gamma film and triggers alarms when the radiation filed, in shape or value, and distance from safety limits. By combining with proper interface about operator positioning, the system enables to deliver warning signals to operators while moving for the "expected dose" if the operators moves forward. Radiation Image Portal Monitors, to detect illicit traffic of radioactive sources. Our new concept allows to detect said sources and to reconstruct, on real time, the image of the radiation field and spatially locate smuggled radiation sources, with tracking and combination with visual images. Gamma Handheld Camcorders using lobular detection technology allows to know the real time absorbed dose and to track hot spots in real time, triggering a paradigm shift in radiological protection as we know it today.