Chris L. Hoxie - NUMATEC, Inc.
The French low-level waste (LLW) management program is reviewed. Because of the French commitment to nuclear power and to public safety, it has been necessary to develop a LLW disposal technology that depends not only on special solid waste forms and favorable site characteristics, but also on advanced engineered barriers to prevent radionuclide migration. Engineered barrier disposal technology has been practiced for ten years at the Centre de La Manche facility in France. The ultimate capacity of the La Manche site is roughly 500,000 m3, which is expected to be reached in the early 1990's. Centre de La Manche is currently the only operating LLW disposal facility in France. A new disposal facility, the Centre de L'Aube, is scheduled to begin operation in 1990. It will have a capacity of 1,000,000 m3. Public acceptance hearings and preliminary siting work was completed for L'Aube in 1986. An environmental, impact statement, preliminary safety analysis report, and final safety analysis report have also been completed and reviewed for the L'Aube facility. Final licensing and construction permit are expected by the end of 1988. The scope of activities at these two disposal centers is discussed with emphasis on the following topics: Site Selection and Qualification; Environmental Impact Statements and Safety Analysis Reports; Disposal Facility Design; and Disposal Facility Operation.