The VACOSS-MIVS Interface System integrates two existing containment and surveillance technologies into a sytem with new operational capabilities. Using a microprocessor interface, the electronic VACOSS-S seal and the MIVS closed circuit television have been combined to reduce inspection effort while maintaining necessary and sufficient international safeguards assurances. In the absence of a safeguards inspector, the VACOSS-S seal can be handled by a facility operator, while video recordings of the seal's installation or removal are made automatically. In April 1989, spent fuel was shipped from VAK Kahl to WAK Karlsruhe. The VACOSS-MIVS Interface System was tested under real operating conditions during cask shipment at VAK and receipt at WAK. Safeguards inspectors of the IAEA and Euratom as well as interested facility operators participated in the field trial. The paper describes the conditions for and results of the field test.