The Field Test of the VACOSS-S/MIVS Interface System at the KFA Waste Management Facility

Arnold Rezniczek - UBA Unternehmensberatung
John Gorten - Directorate of Euratom Safeguards
R. Olsen - International Atomic Energy Agency
H.-J. Schreiber - International Atomic Energy Agency
B. Richter - Kcrnforschungsanlage Juclich GmbH
R. L. Martinez - Sandia National Laboratories
R. Buttler - Kernforschungsanlage Jiilich GmbH
K.J. Gartner - International Atomic Energy Agency
P. Otto - Directorate of Euratom Safeguards
In September/October 1991, the production version of the VACOSS-S/MIVS Interface System was fieldtested by the operator of the KFA waste management plant. The paper describes the test programme and details of the results.