Experience in the Implementation and Testing of a Nuclear Material Accountancy and Control System at the Juelich Nuclear Research Centre

H. Bueker - Nuclear Research Center, Juelich
R. Buttler - Kernforschungsanlage Jiilich GmbH
In order to meet the requirements of international (IAEA and EURATOM) and national supervisory authorities for improved nuclear material safeguards, a nuclear material accounting and control system (NACS) has been developed at the Juelich Nuclear Research Centre (KFA). This system (NACS) has been developed, implemented and tested with the Programme Group for Nuclear Energy and the Environment (KUU) acting as central coordinator in close cooperation with the Central Institute for Applied Mathematics (ZAM), the Hot Cell Facilities of KFA (HZ), the Central Department of Health Physics (ZST), and the firm Unternehmensberatung Aachen £bR (UBA - management consultants). In conjunction with appropriate containment and surveillance measures and integrated measuring systems, NACS (Fig. 1) constitutes a complete nuclear safeguards system (NUSS) for research centres. This paper will consider in more detail the experience gained in the implementation and testing of the system.