The Expected Performance and Benefits of an Advanced Containment and Surveillance System at the Fast critical Facility FCA of JAERI

Hideo Kuroi - Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Takehiko Mukaiyama - Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Personnel portal monitor was developed for IAEA safeguards at the fast crtical facility FCA. The main components of the portal are, 1) the walkthrough metal detector, 2) the visual surveillance system with CCTV, 3) the tamper indication system using multi sensors and 4) the remote monitoring capability through RECOVER system. The metal detector developed can detect a single coupon of metalic nuclear fuel plate (2\"x2\"xl/16\") regardless the orientation of a fuel plate relative to the electromagnetic field generated in the metal detector. The field test Phase I was conducted to evaluate the various features and performance of the system under the collabolation of IAEA and FCA, JAERI. After the recommended inodificators resulting from the Phase I test is completed, Phase II test will be started. The purpose of the Phase II test is to examine reliability, false alarm rates, maintenance and operater impact for six to nine months.