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Neutron noise techniques constitute several analysis methods applicable to non-destructive assay.
One technique is the Rossi-α method to calculate the prompt neutron decay constant (α) or
its inverse, the prompt neutron period (1/α), for assemblies of fissionable material. This work
evaluates a high-data-throughput measurement at the National Criticality Experiments Research
Center (NCERC) with organic scintillators measuring a subcritical assembly of highly enriched
uranium (HEU) metal (93% 235U). The assembly comprises hemi shells stacked together to form
fully closed shells and is driven by a 252Cf source at the center. The assembly is a total of 59.85
kg HEU and a keff of 0.98, calculated with MCNP6.2 KCODE. Measurements were acquired
with a three-by-four array of 5.08-cm-diameter by 5.08-cm-length trans-stilbene crystals 166
cm from the assembly center. Two types of coincident binning methods are used to build the
Rossi-α distribution of coincident neutron detections: type 1 binning, also known as any-and-all
forward time differences, and type 1 binning with a digital-delay technique that is analogous
to the use of delay cabling in 1950-60’s Rossi-alpha experiments. The digital-delay technique
disregards same-detector coincidences and once all nearest time coincidences are collected
between all detectors after a trigger, a time delay of 0.75 µs is implemented. The measured
prompt neutron decay constants for both techniques are calculated from single exponential fits
and the two methods are compared. Any-and-all forward time differences shows an apparent
timing discontinuity near 500 ns time differences. This timing discontinuity interferes with the
fitting method used to calculate the prompt neutron decay constant. The digital-delay technique
mitigates the artificial timing discontinuity and removes the disagreement of the fit. Future work
will model the time-dependent detector response to discern why this timing discontinuity occurs,
discern how the digital-delay technique reduces the amplitude of this timing discontinuity, and
apply this method to critical assembly measurements to ultimately confirm the recommendation
to use the digital-delay technique for high-data-throughput measurements.