Evaluation Tests of the Secure 1000 Scanning System

B.T. Kenna - Sandia National Laboratories
D.W. Murray - Sandia National Laboratories
Evaluation of the SECURE 1000 was similar to developmental testing. It consisted of four parts, (1) safety, (2) detection of live explosives, (3) detection of illegal chemical substances, and (4) detection of weapons and special nuclear materials(SNM) container. This low dose x-ray system produces a radiation dose of 2 ± 1 microrem per scan. There also appears to be no danger for radiation exposure due to a mechanical malfunction. Results from the tests indicate that the SECURE 1000 can detect contraband carried in both overt and covert positions on the body. It was concluded that the SECURE 1000 low dose x-ray does have applicability to contraband detection on personnel in the following order: weapons and SNM containers, explosives and illegal chemicals.