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Never like before, the Nuclear industry has gotten a considerable attention and a wide spread of
interest across the globe. It constitutes a great percentage of the global energy mixture, as it is the
main energy source in some countries and occupies a great percentage of the grid in other countries.
This trend keep getting increasingly interesting as many countries continue to show interest in
Nuclear power technologies. The most exciting thing is even some developing nations are
registering their interest and readiness to add Nuclear Energy into their grids. This outburst of
interest in Nuclear Energy must be welcomed with expertise, standard knowledge and world class
skills especially in developing nations. The coming decades are likely to see an abundance and a
wide range of opportunities for employment in the nuclear industry. However, the industry is
currently facing a significant challenge, as many of its experienced workforce are approaching
retirement age, and there is a need to attract younger generations to join the industry. This paper
explores the current state of the nuclear industry and its workforce, the barriers to young people's
participation in the industry, and potential strategies for encouraging their participation