Electronic Protection and Monitoring of the Nation's First Independant Spent Fuel Storage Installation

W.J. Evenson - Stellar Systems, Inc.
Above-ground dry storage of spent nuclear fuel presents unique protection problems for the Commercial Power Generating Industry. This paper examines an actual low cost approach to remote monitoring and intrusion detection at the first of these sites. Today I will relate some experiences as a participant in the successful search for a cost-effective electronic security system design solution for this first Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI). First, some background information on the Dry Cask Storage concept itself. The storage process begins with irradiated fuel assemblies being loaded under water into large steel vessels, each weighing more than 100 tons and measuring 16 feet in length. These vessels are then drained and vacuum dried. Each of these 15-inch thick casks are then transported to a secure 10-acre remote site within the owner-controlled area. Here they are placed upon ramped concrete slabs each over three feet thick for long-term monitoring and storage. In 1985 Virginia Power was granted permission by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to construct such a facility for outdoor above-ground storage of spent fuel from the Surry Power Station in Gravel Neck, Virginia. Later in 1985, the Bechtel Power Corporation's Gaithersburg, Maryland offices approached Stellar Systems seeking design assistance in selecting intrusion and monitoring subsystems. The problems associated with proper detection and rapid alarm transmissions were quite similar to those confronting full-scale nuclear power generating sites. It should be mentioned that the overall ISFSI security program was developed and implemented under the close scrutiny of Virginia Power and Bechtel personnel. Since this premier site was a high-profile endeavor, it received considerable attention from nuclear regulators as well as top Virginia Power management through all phases of development.